Lake County (FL) Commission Meeting
7 April 2015

Choice Edwards (219 words - 2:08)

The second secular invocation offered by the CFFC in Lake County. The entire transcript of this and dozens more secular invocations are available at

We are gathered here to support the proper conduct of the business of the people of Lake County.

We are fortunate that we have intelligent commissioners who are passionate about the people they serve and strive to execute their responsibilities to the very best of their abilities.

We know they are immune to undue and improper influence and carry their awesome responsibilities as fervently as they do their dedication and love of their families, friends and compatriots.

As they, singularly and collectively, debate and deliberate the issues before them, we know our governance is in their very capable hands

We know they love, respect and honor this community and all of its citizens of which they are amongst our most passionate and responsible leaders.

We are diverse in religious beliefs and non-religious beliefs in Lake County. We welcome Christians, Muslims, Jews Sikhs, Buddhist Agnostics, Atheist and those of us who are skeptics because we think for ourselves.

Therefore, I invite you, of your own volition, and irrespective of your religious persuasion or non-religious persuasion, to join with me in a time of personal introspection and reflection:


Finally, I wish for each of you wisdom, light, life, love, peace, power, prosperity, passion, poise, beauty, joy, health, wealth, r-o-m-a-n-c-e,  and all the fun and excitement you can handle.

Thanks for your time and my blessings upon you.

Now, let us get on with the business of Lake County, Florida!