Lake Wales (FL) City Commission
4 August 2020
Sarah Ray (286 words -  2:10)

Thank you Mayor, Commissioners and City Staff for your service to the community, and for the opportunity to provide reflection and an inspirational start to your meeting. I stand before you tonight by request of citizens of Lake Wales who are also members of the Atheist Community of Polk County. I am honored to represent them and all your atheist, agnostic, humanist, and other non-religious constituents.

We find ourselves once again in a period of uncertainty and discord, and it is during these times especially, that we look to our leaders for guidance, for reassurance, for hope. Consider the vast collective knowledge and leadership that comes together in this all-important task of self-governance: of, by, and for the people.

The brilliance in the design of self-governance to me is profound yet simple. We, the people, far more alike than different, bring our many unique talents and skills together for the good of all.

Tonight I call for peace and understanding. Yes, I’m an atheist. I’m white. I’m a parent. I’m originally from Illinois. I’m a transgender woman. We are all different in many ways. If we have prejudged each other already upon these differences, I fear we have lost before we ever began. Instead, may we seek out that which we have in common, and recognize that much of what makes us different separately, makes us stronger together. This is the foundation upon which we can build a better tomorrow - TOGETHER.

So, let us all meet there tonight, together, at that foundation of our shared humanness and approach these important responsibilities with reason and compassion as we work to build that better future for all the citizens of Lake Wales.

In service, I thank you.