
David williamson, Board Member

David Williamson (he/him) is a co-founder of the CFFC. Locally, he is a member of the Central Florida Commission on Religious Freedom, is Secretary of the Board of the Interfaith Council of Central Florida and the Florida Humanist Association. He is the co-coordinator of that organization’s conference, FREEFLO.
David is on the Advisory Board of the Freethought Equality Fund and a Florida State Representative for the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Jocelyn Williamson, Board Member

Jocelyn Williamson (she/her) is a lifelong atheist and co-founder of the CFFC. She is the President of the Florida Humanist Association, American Atheists’ Florida State Director, serves on the Board of Directors for the Humanist Society, the Freedom From Religion Foundation Action Fund, and the Secular Coalition for America.

Jocelyn serves on the Council of Traditions for the Interfaith Council of Central Florida, representing Humanism. She is the co-coordinator of FREEFLO, the biennial conference of the FHA. She is also a Florida State Representative for the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

Joseph Richardson, Board Member


Joseph Richardson (he/him) has been a CFFC director since 2015. He has been involved in the CFFC’s Humanist invocations project facilitating invocations in municipalities across Central Florida.
Joseph grew up as a Christian but started to identify as a atheist, Humanist, and freethinker later in life. He likes to observe, ironically, how he has more friends who are pastors now than he ever did as a Christian. He is married with three grown boys.

KEITH BECHER, Board Member

Keith Becher (he/him) has been a CFFC director since 2015. He is President and co-founder of the Humanist Community of the Space Coast, a Brevard area group that focuses on community service, volunteerism, community outreach and education.
Keith serves on the Board of the Florida Humanist Association, the Space Coast Freethought Association, and is a certified Humanist celebrant.

Lisa Sklar, board Member

Lisa Sklar (she/her) has been a CFFC director since 2024. She has been active in CFFC’s Secular Women’s Group for five years and is committed to helping CFFC thrive as a strong, supportive community.

Lisa is a co-host of CFFC’s Pride Social, a group where freethinking LGBT+ community members can connect, network, and make new friends.

Jessica Robertson, Administrator

Jessica Robertson (she/her) is CFFCs Administrator. Jessica, and her partner, Danny, are both lifelong atheists. They were founding members of the Humanist Community of Polk County and are active supporters of local groups who champion for human equality.

Jessica has over two decades of experience in the finance, education, and logistics industries. In addition to her work with the CFFC, she also facilitates leadership and career development training.