St. Petersburg (FL) City Council
4 September 2014
Gloria Julius (130 words - 1:30)

Good morning. Please be seated.

We sit to conserve our energy and keep our eyes wide open. The better to see all the challenges and changes coming at us almost too fast to assimilate and that is what makes today a very special day. The Supreme Court of the United States of America made a slight change in a centuries old tradition that could change the world; a slight change. They said an invocation doesn’t have to be religious and for that I want to pay homage to the Supreme Court and to the City Council of St. Petersburg for having me here and for letting non-believers feel equal. Separate, but equal.

So today’s meeting heralds in a new era that I hope will see a big change that reflects a changing America. People change. Ideas change. Beliefs change. So that black, white, yellow, red, believer, non-believer; we are your community and we elected each one of you for your unique talents and your ability to work together to make the best decisions you can for our community.

Thank you.