Volusia County (FL) Council
21 July 2016
Jocelyn Williamson (322

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller.

Thank you Chairman Davis, Commission Members, Staff, and the community for the opportunity to offer opening words for this morning’s meeting.

Today as we pause for before we begin the meeting, let us remember to check our personal conflicts at the door. The purpose of this meeting is to benefit the more than half a million people of this county.

Sure, this is a room in which there there can be challenging debates, moments of tension, and of ideological divisions. But let us remember this room contains fellow members of our wonderfully diverse human family with shared values, needs in common, and similar hopes and dreams. Let us cherish and celebrate our shared capacity for reason and human compassion. It is our similarities that move us forward and our ability to recognize the value and worth of our entire community as well as the dignity of each individual that makes us great.

Wisdom is often called for as these meetings begin – REMEMBER - all the knowledge needed is already right here in this chamber. Your fellow commissioners, the hard-working county staff, as well as citizens and business owners have come along to serve with you and to be a resource to be called upon.

As American Hall of Famer and former Senator Bill Bradley once said -  “Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore thoughts candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it.”

Thank you.